Friday, February 26, 2010

Day Five - Continuation of "Construction for Humanity"

Hi guys:  I've added a little balancing rock garden to the top right cubby. You'll notice that the top two pieces of the rock pile are balanced to the far left (thank God for epoxy!). I alslo pieced some broken ceramic from the mug that was in my Construction box and placed it at the top center. To the right is a small thimble with baby's breath.  All in all, I was trying to create some harmonious scene. Don't know if it worked but it's staying.

In the center piece of the box I pasted two old magazine covers from the early 1920s. The top illustration comes from a magazine titled "The American Home" and the second piece is from an old advertisement for Victor Bicycles and it says "The Victor" It shows two young men who are waving their ahnds and the word "Victor" on their shirts with a bike in the middle. Well, you can put two and two together for the meaning you think is represents in this piece for "Construction for Humanity."  But just in case you need some nudging, let review.

"The American Home" -- Isn't that what we are representing. Building homes for families through "Habitat for Humanity" — homes that families can feel safe and secure. We are the "Victors" in all this — victorious. Hey, it works for me!

I added a large assembled figure using a number of pieces that I had in my studio. I add three things that came in the construction box.  The white cotton cord I used around the figur's waste. It has been tinted/stained. The yellow fabric I drapped around the figures neck and down the side were from the box. The two ends of the scarf are hanging off of a broken handle that came off the ceramic mug. It's glued to the side of the frame box and is hanging on that.  The figure's body comes from an old spanish doll form that I had from Spain. The wings come from an old angel ornament. The arm comes from a religious statue. The head also comes from the religious statue that is attached to the body.  I stained the figure to give it a vintage look.
Okay class, what does this figure represent? No? Don't know? Here goes—This is the angel "Charmeine" who represents the angel of Harmony—it shows us how to bring harmony into our lives. She represents joy, happiness, friendship and love. So there you go.  That's all I'm doing for now. I am not done with the piece, just taking a break. Signing off. Anastasia S. Weigle, In A Bind.

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